

Hi, I am Haripriya, a Mental Health Counselor and Therapist. I work with children, adults, and the elderly. My goal is to empower individuals of all ages to lead fulfilling lives by fostering positive mental health, building resilience, and promoting personal growth. I strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every individual feels heard, validated, and supported on your journey towards mental well-being.

I focus on fostering positive mental health, building resilience, and promoting personal growth aligns well with the principles of effective counseling and therapy. By creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where individuals feel heard, validated, and supported, I can help them explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a safe space.

As a mental health counselor and therapist, My dedication to empowering individuals and promoting positive mental health is commendable.

Haripriya is a multi-disciplinary Mental Health Therapist and Counsellor who works as an Art Therapist, Creative Movement Therapist, Metaphor Therapist, Dream Analyst, Mandala Therapist, Garbhasanskara (Education in the womb) therapist, Graphologist, and Fine Artist.



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